Diocese of the Southeast/REC


Name City / State
All Saints Anglican REC Greenville, SC
Atonement, The Church of the Mount Pleasant, SC
Bethlehem RE Church Moncks Corner, SC
Calvary RE Church St. Stephen, SC
Christ R.E. Church Johns Island, SC
Christ The King Anglican (ATL) Marietta, GA
Emmanuel Anglican (Spartanburg)) Spartanburg, SC
Emmanuel R E Church Alvin, SC
Good Shepherd REC Bonneau, SC
Grace Reformed Episcopal Church Moncks Corner, SC
Holy Comforter RE Church Moncks Corner, SC
Holy Rock RE Church McCormick, SC
Holy Trinity Church Charleston, SC
Immanuel RE Church Cross, SC
Intercession R. E. Church Wando, SC
Liberty RE Church Jamestown, SC
Messiah RE Church Pineville, SC
Mount Carmel R.E. Church Goose Creek, SC
Mt. Olivet RE Church Ravenel, SC
Nazareth RE Church Moncks Corner, SC
New Bethel REC North Charleston, SC
New Israel RE Church Charleston, SC
New St. Thomas RE Church Columbia, SC
Promiseland RE Church John's Island, SC
Redeemer RE Church Pineville, SC
St. Andrew's Anglican Church Savannah, GA
St. John's RE Church Charleston, SC
St. Luke's R.E. Church Charleston, SC
St. Michael Reformed Episcopal St. Stephen, SC
St. Paul RE Church Moncks Corner, SC
St. Thomas RE Church Moncks Corner, SC
Zion RE Church Edisto Island, SC