The Venerable Andrew Brashier

Current Roles

Name Role Start
Armed Forces & Chaplaincy, Jurisdiction of Canon 01/18/2022
Armed Forces & Chaplaincy, Jurisdiction of Diocesan Staff 08/16/2018
Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd Rector 02/28/2022

Old Roles

Name Role Start End
Armed Forces & Chaplaincy, Jurisdiction of Diocesan Staff 08/16/2018 08/16/2018
Armed Forces & Chaplaincy, Jurisdiction of Assistant Bishop 08/16/2018 08/16/2018
Armed Forces & Chaplaincy, Jurisdiction of Executive Assistant 08/16/2018 08/16/2018
Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd Vicar 08/06/2019 02/28/2022
Anglican Church of the Good Shepherd Deacon 08/06/2019 08/06/2019
Armed Forces & Chaplaincy, Jurisdiction of Canon 01/22/2021 01/22/2021